Chauncey Bailey Journalist of Colour Investigative Reporting Fellowship 2025

Deadline: September 21, 2024

Applications are open for the Chauncey Bailey Journalist of Color Investigative Reporting Fellowship 2025. The yearlong program is intended to prepare and support a journalist of colour for a solid career in investigative reporting. The program also provides an opportunity for the fellow’s news outlets to benefit from the fellow’s investigative skill-building.

An underlying goal of the program is to increase the range of backgrounds, experiences and interests within the field of investigative journalism, where diverse perspectives are critically important. The fellowship is made possible by the generosity of Investigative Reporters & Editors (IRE) members and news organization sponsors.


  • One-year IRE membership/renewal ($70 value)
  • Complimentary boot camp registration (up to $1,100 value)
  • Bootcamp travel stipend ($1,000)
  • Complimentary NICAR conference registration ($300 value)
  • Complimentary NICAR conference hotel nights (up to 4 nights) ($1,240 value)
  • NICAR conference travel stipend ($500)
  • Complimentary IRE conference registration ($325 value)
  • Complimentary IRE conference hotel nights (up to 4 nights) ($920 value)
  • IRE conference travel stipend ($500)
  • Complimentary IRE Data Services (up to 12 hours) ($1,200 value)


  • U.S. journalists of colour who want to improve their investigative skills.
  • Applicants should have at least three years of post-college work experience.
  • Applicants should be currently working with a supportive news organization or working as an independent journalist.
  • Applicants who can propose a well-developed project which would benefit from the training and mentoring the fellow would receive.
  • Students are not eligible.


The fellow would:

  • Obtain employer support
  • Create an investigative reporting project that benefits your community
  • Attend an IRE boot camp
  • Attend the NICAR conference
  • Attend the IRE conference
  • Receive IRE data services
  • Receive a one-year IRE membership/renewal
  • Initiate contact and work with a mentor network made up of IRE members
  • Set up monthly video calls with their mentor network for one year, or until the project is complete, whichever comes first, to discuss the project’s progress

The fellow would be encouraged to do the following after the fellowship concludes:

  • Serve as part of the mentor network
  • Serve on the fellowship selection committee
  • Renew IRE membership


Required application materials:

  • LinkedIn page or link to resume
  • Links to two clips showcasing investigative work
  • Description of project to be tackled during the fellowship (calendar year)
  • Letter of support from supervisor/management stating the newsroom/management will allow the fellow time to work on the project and time to attend all required IRE training included in the fellowship. The letter should also serve as a recommendation letter. For Independent journalists, a letter of recommendation is required.

Click here to apply

For more information, visit Chauncey Bailey Reporting Fellowship.

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