Call for Nominations: Kacie Peters Impact Award 2024 – Apply Now

Deadline: July 31, 2024

Nominations for the Kacie Peters Impact Award 2024 are now open. The Kacie Peters Impact Award is a prestigious recognition established to honour the memory of Kacie Peters, a passionate advocate for clean energy and sustainability. This award aims to acknowledge individuals who have made exceptional contributions to the clean energy sector, embodying the values and dedication that Kacie Peters exemplified throughout her life.

The recipient of the Kacie Peters Impact Award will be announced publicly during the WRISE Leadership Forum, October 9-11, 2024. They will receive recognition at a special ceremony held in conjunction with the WRISE Leadership Forum. This award is supported by members of Pivot Energy, COSSA, CCSA, WRISE, and other industry professionals.


  • The winner of the Kacie Peters Impact Award will receive recognition and a physical award during the annual Women in Renewable Industries and Sustainable Energy (WRISE) Leadership Form. Travel and conference expenses for the awardee will be covered or reimbursed by WRISE.


  •  Open to individuals who have made exceptional contributions to the clean energy sector.
  • Self-nominations are also accepted.

Award Criteria

  • Passion for Clean Energy: The recipient should demonstrate an unwavering passion for clean energy and a commitment to advancing sustainable solutions. They should be driven by a deep sense of purpose in creating a cleaner and more sustainable future.
  • Community Building: The awardee should have a track record of actively fostering connections, collaboration, and a sense of community within the clean energy sector. Their efforts should have contributed to building a stronger, more connected clean energy community.
  • Advocacy and Leadership: The award should recognize individuals who have shown exceptional leadership and advocacy in promoting clean energy and sustainability. They should have played a pivotal role in advancing the adoption of clean energy solutions.
  • Resilience and Perseverance: Like Kacie Peters, candidates should exhibit resilience and determination in overcoming challenges and obstacles, particularly in the pursuit of clean energy goals. Their ability to persevere in the face of adversity should inspire others.
  • Dedication to Equity and Inclusion: Acknowledge individuals who have actively worked to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within the clean energy industry. They should have made significant efforts to ensure that clean energy benefits are accessible to all.
  • Positive Mentorship: Recognize those who have served as mentors or role models, inspiring and guiding others to pursue careers and initiatives in clean energy. Their mentorship should have a positive and lasting impact on the next generation of clean energy leaders.
  • Impact on Future Generations: Consider individuals whose work and dedication have the potential to create a lasting legacy and inspire future generations to pursue clean energy solutions. They should be driving positive change that will benefit generations to come.
  • Collaboration and Partnerships: Recognize those who have successfully collaborated with various stakeholders, such as government, industry, academia, and nonprofit organizations, to advance clean energy initiatives. Their collaborative efforts should have resulted in meaningful progress in the clean energy sector.


 Each nomination must include the nominee’s name, contact information, a brief biography highlighting their contributions to the clean energy sector, and a statement addressing how the nominee exemplifies the award criteria.

Click here to nominate

For more information, visit Kacie Peters Impact Award.

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