Apply Now: Commonwealth PhD Scholarships 2025/2026 (Fully-funded)

Deadline: October 15, 2024

Applications are currently being accepted for the Commonwealth PhD Scholarships for the academic year 2025/2026. These scholarships, funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), are aimed at addressing the development needs of Commonwealth nations through research with a focus on positive developmental outcomes.

Designed for candidates from the Commonwealth’s least developed countries and fragile states, as identified by the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC), these scholarships support full-time PhD studies at universities in the United Kingdom.

Administered by the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (CSC) in the UK, the scholarship program reflects the UK’s commitment to international development and the Commonwealth. It seeks to attract high-potential individuals from diverse backgrounds and equip them with the skills needed to become leaders and innovators upon returning to their home countries. The CSC’s mission aligns with global sustainable development goals and fosters international cooperation.

Scholarship Benefits:

  • Round-trip airfare from the scholar’s home country to the UK and back upon completion of the program (travel costs for dependents are not included).
  • Full coverage of tuition fees, arranged between the CSC and the UK university, meaning scholars are not required to pay any part of the fee.
  • Monthly stipend of £1,378 or £1,690 for students studying at institutions in the London area.
  • Warm clothing allowance (if needed).
  • Study-related travel grants within the UK or abroad.
  • Costs associated with overseas fieldwork (including one round-trip economy airfare to the location), if approved.
  • Paid return airfare for a mid-term visit to the scholar’s home country, unless spouse or child allowances have been claimed, or a return airfare has been awarded for fieldwork.
  • Family allowances are available under the following conditions:
  • A spouse allowance of £297 per month if accompanying the scholar, with no children, for up to nine months (conditions apply).
  • Additional child allowances if the scholar is accompanied by their spouse and children, or if they are a single parent with dependent children under 16.

Eligibility Requirements:

Applicants must:

  • Be a citizen or have refugee status in an eligible Commonwealth country, or be a British Protected Person.
  • Reside permanently in an eligible Commonwealth country.
  • Be able to start studies in the UK by September 2025.
  • Hold a first degree with at least upper second-class (2:1) honours or have a relevant postgraduate qualification by September 2025.
  • Not already be registered for a PhD or MPhil leading to a PhD at a UK university or in their home country before September/October 2025.
  • Demonstrate financial need for the scholarship.
  • Provide all necessary documentation in the correct format.

Selection Criteria:

  • Academic achievement
  • Quality and feasibility of the proposed research
  • Potential impact on development in the applicant’s home country

How to Apply:

Applications are open until 16:00 hours BST (15:00 GMT) on October 15, 2024. Interested candidates should apply as early as possible to avoid system delays. In addition to applying to the CSC, applicants must apply through a nominating body.

There are three types of nominators invited to participate in the PhD scholarship programme: 

Click here to apply

For more information, visit Commonwealth PhD Scholarships.

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